16/08 Magic guitar, koncert
29/03 Magic guitar, Oksford Klub, Zaječice
20/03 Magic guitar, Koncert, Mestka Knihovna Bohnice Praha
19/03 Magic guitar, Koruna Klub, Horice
08/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Pichla nota, jazz club, Doksy
07/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, U Bílýho černocha jazz club, Ceská Lípa
01/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Coffice, Praha
29/12 Duo cello-guitar, Cerveny kostelec
13/12 Magic guitar, koncert, BUDA, Benešov
07/12 Magic guitar, křest knížky ,klub Lávka, Praha
28/11 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Radost Praha
24/10 Magic guitar, koncert, Svet, 18:00 Mlada Boleslav
05/10 Magic guitar, Liběchov Umělecky mlýn, 19:00
23/09 Magic guitar, business event , Praha
14/09 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, 14:30 to 15:15 , Velke Mezirici
02/09 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Hajovna 5 from 17:00 to 19:00, Praha
31/08 Magic guitar, Koncert festival Barevna 9, from 17:15, Praha
31/08 Magic guitar, gulaš fest from 12:00 to 14:00, Pyšely
17/07 Magic guitar, Koncert , Zahrada Husovy Knihovny, Ríčany
15/06 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Coffice, Praha
13/06 Magic guitar, koncert, Svet, Mlada Boleslav
08/06 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, u kouriciho kralika, Brno
07/06 Andre trio , gipsy jazz, festival Praha zije hudbou, Praha
18/05 Magic guitar, business event , Praha
11/05 Magic guitar, Zamecky areal Ctenice, 11-14
??/04 Magic guitar, Klub Vynil, Litoměřice
20/04 Magic guitar, Koncert, Trees, 18:00, Cerveny kostelec https://www.treesck.cz/cs/koncert-alexandre-glize?listId=1761
19/04 Magic guitar, Koncert, Prostor Lilie Praha 18:30 https://prostorlilie.cz/akce/koncert-alexandre-glize/
30/03 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
13/03 Magic guitar, Koncert, Mestka Knihovna Bohnice Praha 17:30
25/02 Magic guitar, Koncert + Workshop, Tynisti nad Orlici
24/02 Magic guitar, Koncert, Private event, Riesa (DE)
23/02 Magic guitar, Koncert, Oksford, Zajecice
14/02 Magic guitar, Valentýn na vezi Stare radnice, Brno
20/01 Magic guitar, private event Glaubitz (DE)
09/12 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:30
27/11 Magic guitar, Hookah , Usti nad Labem
26/11 Magic guitar, Vanocni , Dominikanske nam, Brno 18:00
28/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
27/10 Magic guitar, Café SYGR, Vyskov 17:00
26/10 Magic guitar, kostel, Frýdek-Místek 19:00
21/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
18/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), Palata Praha 5 15:00
10/10 Magic guitar, koncertni sal ZUS, Bruntál 19:00
07/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
??/09 Magic guitar , Mestke divadlo, Kolin, 19:00
30/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
23/09 Spanish guitar, Lysá and Labem, vystaviste 19:15
22/09 Spanish guitar, Lysá and Labem, vystaviste 19:15
16/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
04/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), 17:30 , Hajovna , Praha
26/08 Magic guitar, Jihlava
24/08 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
20/08 Magic guitar, Destne (Orlicke Hory) 14:00
19/08 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), jazzclub Pichla nota, Doksy
17/08 Magic guitar, cyklosfera, Břeclav
16/08 Magic guitar, Lednice
15/08 Magic guitar, festival Uprostred, Brno
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Decin
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Usti nad Labem
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Teplice
02/08 Magic guitar, festival Telč 18:00
23/07 Duo cello-guitar, Usti nad Labem - Decin !!! posponed !!!
23/06 Magic guitar, private event, Imperial, Praha
20/06 Magic guitar, Pisecka Brana, "fresh senior", 16:00 Praha
27/05 Wedding
26/05 Duo cello-guitar, Teplice
14/05 Duo cello-guitar, Nespeky 15:00 kostel
10/05 Magic guitar, Živá Křižovka , Děčín 18:00
22/04 Magic guitar , Řehenický dvorek, Řehenice
15/04 Magic guitar, Variace, Olomouc
14/04 Magic guitar, Kupe, Opava 18:00
24/03 Magic guitar, Klub Všechromy, Strančice 19:00
17/02 Magic guitar, Benešov, Buda !! cancelled !!
16/02 Guest at Electro swing all stars, Ples Palác Žofín, Praha
19/11 Praha (CZ)
15/10 Nespeky (CZ)
08/10 Tisa (CZ)
23/09 Magic guitar, Buda sal , Benesov (CZ) !Postponed!
10/09 Festival Barevna Planeta, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
29/08 Kolin (CZ)
06/08 Farmarske trhy Kubanske nam, Praha (CZ)
26/05 Vavavoom, Brno (CZ)
16/05 Prague (CZ)
19/12 Adventni koncert, kostel sv. Bartoloměje, Nespeky (CZ)
18/10 DUO CELLO Koncert, Chomutov (CZ)
11/09 Private Concert Prague
11/09 Barevna Planeta festival, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
05/09 Concert Usti nad Labem maly Hamburk
05/09 Concert Teplice mala Pariz
28/08 Concert Broumov www.zapoklady.cz/program
27/08 Concert Broumov www.zapoklady.cz/program
12/08 Private concert Magic guitar
03/02 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Zlin (CZ)
02/02 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Zlin (CZ)
21/10 Magic guitar + guest art cafe, Broumov (CZ)
17/10 DUO CELLO Koncert, N.M. nad metuji (CZ)
14/10 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
13/10 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
24/09 Magic guitar , Mestke divadlo, Kolin, 19:00 (CZ) rescheduled
28/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, DC Rogalo, Decin 17:00 (CZ)
28/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, mala Pariz, Teplice 15:00 (CZ)
20/06 Magic guitar , Vysoke nad Jizerou
19/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, kostel Rehlovice , 19:00 (CZ)
12/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, noc kostelu, Semonice-Jaromer , 21:00 (CZ)
30/05 RESTARTING CONCERT! Magic guitar, Pod lampou, Teplice 16:30 (CZ)
../.. Classical guitar-Magic guitar, Galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ) rescheduled
16/04 Magic guitar, galerie "Art together" , Prague 2 (CZ) rescheduled
20/03 DUO LUCIANA, Ceske Budejovice, (CZ) cancelled
06/02 Classical guitar-Magic guitar, Divadlo Jeslicky Josefa Tejkla, Hradec Kralove 18:00 (CZ)
07/12 Duo vanocni akce, Bratislava (SK)
06/12 Duo vanocni akce, Praha (CZ)
01/11 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
09/10 Magic guitar, company event, Broumov (CZ)
04/10 Duo with Luciana, Frida, Divadlo Jary Cimrmana, after the play, Praha (CZ)
21/09 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
09/08 Magic guitar , Central kamp, Praha (CZ)
08/08 Duo with Luciana, The Don, 20:00 Praha (CZ)
17/07 Magic guitar, Kolin (CZ)
04/06 Magic guitar, ZUS Chocen 17:00
31/05 Duo with Luciana, Frida, Divadlo Jary Cimrmana, 20:00 after the play, Praha (CZ)
23/05 Magic guitar, company event, Broumov (CZ)
06/05 Magic guitar at Fresh senior, Vozovna, 16:00 Praha (CZ)
04/05 Duo with Luciana, Bethesda bar, Praha (CZ)
26/04 Classical guitar recital and more, Rehlovice, kostel (CZ)
30/03 Magic guitar,mexican evening, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana, Praha (CZ)
15/02 Duo with Luciana, Bystricka bouda, Moldava (CZ)
08/02 Charity concert multi projects, Bystré (CZ)
02/02 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
01/02 Magic guitar,mexican evening, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana, Praha (CZ)
30/01 Classical guitar worshop and concert, ZUS Uherske hradiste (CZ)
29/01 Classical guitar workshop and concert, ZUS Malenovice, Zlin (CZ)
22/12 Private concert duo with Julia, Cernosice (CZ)
17/12 Guest at PKKO orchestra christmas concert, Praha (CZ)
15/12 Duo with Luciana, Brno (CZ)
02/11 Classical guitar duo, Dobrichovice (CZ) 19:30
21/09 Magic guitar + guest, Central kamp, Praha (CZ)
14/09 Private event, Vysoke nad Jizerou (CZ)
31/08 Magic guitar, La legende irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
29/08 Magic guitar, Café Plum, Lautrec (FR)
27/07 Magic guitar, Le comptoir des colibris, Cologne (FR)
20/07 Magic guitar, La baignoire, Lavalette (FR) www.la-baignoire.fr/
19/07 Acoustic guitar travel, eglise, Capbreton 21:00 (FR)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz, Teplice 18:30 (CZ)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz, Decin 16:00 (CZ)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz. Usti nad Labem 14:00 (CZ)
09/06 Duo with Luciana , Vsudybud festival, Ceska Lipa (CZ)
26/05 Duo with Luciana + Magic guitar, Novy Bor (CZ)
04/05 Busking stage, Tortuga Bay start 16:30, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
28/04 Magic guitar, private event, Prague (CZ)
27/04 Magic guitar, Hnizdo snu, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
26/04 Magic guitar workshops, Moravia, (CZ)
01/04 Magic guitar, Casquette et chapeau, Montlieu (11) (FR)
31/03 Magic guitar, Le petit cafe , Cabannes 20h00 (FR)
24/03 Magic guitar, Cabaret la girafe au saxo, Cahors (FR)
23/02 Duo with Luciana, Il Molino, Prague (CZ) www.facebook.com/events/599057600432716/
21/02 Music city , guitar studio event , Prague (CZ) www.facebook.com/events/169191607200312/
04/01 Magic guitar, private event, Prague (CZ)
16/12 Magic guitar, Skoda energy private event, Mlada Boleslav (CZ)
14/12 Vivaldi concerto RV 93 and more with orchestra Benduv komorni, UJEP, Usti nad labem (CZ)
13/10 Novomestka radnice, Praha (CZ)
06/10 Magic guitar, festival Setkani kytaristu, Ostrava (CZ)
14/09 Magic guitar, festival Setkani kytaristu, Zlin (CZ)
09/09 Magic guitar, Refugio, evrp fest, Tisa (CZ)
12/08 Magic guitar orchestra, galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ) http://www.reistna.cz/
11/08 Magic guitar, cyclosfera, Breclav (CZ)
09/08 Magic guitar, "Art café", Broumov (CZ) http://www.klasterbroumov.cz/cs/alexander-glize-fr
20/07 La légende Irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
12/07 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
05/07 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Maly Hamburg , Usti nad Labem (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Rogalo , Decin (CZ)
29/06 Classical guitar recital, Rehlovice, kostel, 19:00 (CZ)
28/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
21/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
14/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
07/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
31/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
28/05 Magic guitar, Mala Pariz, Teplice (CZ)
27/05 Magic guitar, central camp, Zizkov, 19h00, Prague (CZ)
24/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
17/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
10/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
29/04 Magic guitar, private event
17/02 Magic guitar, Jazz tangens club, Pardubice (CZ)
27/01 Magic guitar, "concerts at home" , Vysoke nad jizerou (CZ)
09/12 Magic guitar,CK Pluk, Vysoke Myto (CZ)
08/12 Magic guitar, Cafe francais, Prague (CZ)
25/11 Magic guitar, Napa gallery and bar, Prague (CZ)
12/11 Magic guitar, Kavarna ziva, Libochovice (CZ)
10/11 Vernisaz Makrofotografie Milan Blšťák , Prague (CZ)
02/11 Magic guitar,Ledeč nad Sázavou (CZ)
01/11 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
31/10 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
29/10 Magic guitar orchestra, galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ)
28/10 Magic guitar, Cyklosféra, Breclav (CZ)
23/10 Magic guitar, private event, Mikulov (CZ)
22/10 Magic guitar, private event, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
16/10 Magic guitar orchestra, Le Puits de Jour, Lauzerte (FR)
15/10 Magic guitar orchestra, La legende irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
12/10 Magic guitar orchestra , Vysoké nad Jizerou (CZ)
07/09 Magic guitar, Viadukt Kreativni, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
??/09 Magic guitar, kino Varsava, Liberec (CZ)
28/08 Magic guitar, Korunni Pevnutska, Olomouc (CZ)
20/08 Magic guitar, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ)
13/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
12/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
07/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
06/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
09/07 Magic guitar, Viadukt Kreativni, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
05/07 Magic guitar, Cyklosfera, Breclav (CZ)
04/07 Studio recording Interview/show radio Proglas, Brno (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Jicin (CZ)
01/07 Magic guitar, festival Jazz des Bijoux, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)
30/06 Magic guitar, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ)
04/06 Magic guitar, festival Kladenske Dvorky, Kladno (CZ)
02/06 Magic guitar, cafe Start, Prague (CZ) 20:00
01/06 Baroque concert, Vivaldi concerto RV 93 and more with orchestra Benduv komorni , castle Velke Brezno (CZ)
28/05 Magic guitar, Atelier Prazska, Liberec (CZ)
27/05 Magic guitar, cafe terasy, Zeleznice (CZ)
25/05 Magic guitar, Hranicar, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
22/05 Magic guitar, Mala Pariz, Zahradni dum, Teplice (CZ)
21/05 Magic guitar, cafe Oliveira, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
13/05 Magic guitar, "Festival Praha zije hudbu", 13:00 zahradky letenske sady, 16:00 standard cafe
01/05 Magic guitar, cafe Fara, Palava 14:00 (CZ)
30/04 Magic guitar, galerie Konvent, Mikulov (CZ)
29/04 Magic guitar, Cyklosfera, Břeclav (CZ)
28/04 Magic guitar, Junk food cafe, Brno (CZ)
21/04 Guitars at Schools, Teplice (CZ)
09/04 Magic guitar, Artum Centrum, Olomouc (CZ)
08/04 Magic guitar, Cafe club, Uhersky Brod (CZ)
07/04 Magic guitar, Tvuj novy svet kafe, Zlin (CZ)
23/03 Magic guitar, Villa Pelle, 16:00, Prague (CZ)
20/03 Magic guitar, Bedna klub, Liberec (CZ)
18/03 Magic guitar, Hnizdo Snu, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
16/03 Magic guitar, cafe Burguet, Mlada Boleslav, (CZ)
04/03 Magic guitar, Napa bar and gallery, 20:00 Prague (CZ)
18/02 Guitars at school, Teplice (CZ)
11/02 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
10/02 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
29/01 Live with Kontra H as percussionist on cajon, Prague (CZ)
27/01 Magic guitar , cafe start, Prague (CZ)
23/01 Magic guitar, Novomestska radnice, Prague (CZ)
22/01 !!!! Krest CD - Launch CD !!! Koncert, hosty + jamm - Concert, guests + jamm at Jamm club, Praha (CZ)
16/01 Classical guitar recital + duo at Alchymista, Prague 20:00 (CZ)
09/01 Magic guitar, A maze in chaiovna, Prague (CZ)
12/12 Magic guitar and wine, T. Klub, Usti nad labem, (CZ)
10/12 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Do Vetru, Prague (CZ)
01/12 Vernissage and magic guitar, Pisecka Brana, www.piseckabrana.cz , 16:00 - 18:00 Prague (CZ)
21/11 Magic guitar for vernissage, Zamek Hluboka nad Vltavou, Alšova Jihočeská Galerie (CZ)
12/11 Concert with Yann Verdickt on percussions,jazz club Highway 61 Ceske Budejovice 21:00 (CZ)
05/11 Private event, ministry of justice, Prague (CZ)
24/10 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Kafi kavarne, Prague (CZ)
23/10 Magic guitar, Napa, Prague (CZ)
16/10 Magic guitar, Jammclub, special spanish night, Prague (CZ)
10/10 Magic guitar, Libochovice, (CZ)
08/10 Magic guitar, A maze in chaiovna, Prague (CZ)
26/09 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Napa, Prague (CZ)
25/09 Magic guitar, Vysoke Myto, (CZ) 20:00
19/09 Jam club, magic guitar, Dresden (DE)
18/09 Hranicar, magic guitar at festival "Leto na ulici" , Usti nad labem (CZ)
18/09 GuitarS at school, (CZ)
17/09 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19:00
12/09 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 3 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
05/09 Classical guitar for private wedding, church Salvatore, Prague (CZ)
03/09 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19;00
19/08 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
06/08 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
01/08 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 2 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
05/07 Live at "la casa latina", Bordeaux (FR)
26/06 Live at Cinoherak-Hranicare , Usti nad Labem (CZ)
18/06 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19:30
12/06 Jazz/ latin / acoustic Napa gallery, Prague (CZ) 20:00
06/06 Live at Chrici, (CZ)
04/06 500 Restaurant live, Prague 'CZ) 19:30
30/05 Fusion with percussions, "La cidrerie", Vsenory (CZ)
29/05 Film festival "futureshorts" , Prague (CZ) from 19:00 alternance with movies
21/05 500 Restaurant live, Prague(CZ) 19:30
16/05 Percussionist with "KONTRA H" , Napa , Prague (CZ)
14/05 Live at "Do Vetru", Prague (CZ)
09/05 Concert at castle Sychrov, Sychrov (CZ) www.zamek-sychrov
06/05 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
02/05 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 1 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
27/03 Concert at Napa bar and gallery, Prague (CZ) 20:00
17/03 Supporting Crewtones for their CD, Dr Vojak, Prague (CZ)
05/03 Opening for The Nes Nation, Dr Vojak, Prague (CZ)
27/02 Concert at Napa bar and gallery , Prague (CZ) 19:00
17/10 Concert at Napa bar and Gallery, Prague (CZ) 21h.
20/09 Outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) CANCELLED
06/08 Live at 500 restaurant, Prague (CZ)
05/07 Outdoors concert chill out at Stomovka Park, Slechtovka. Prague (CZ).
26/06 Fusion with percussions, Joy cosmopolitan, 20h30 Prague (CZ).
21/06 Fusion with percussions, outdoors town hall square 18h , then inside 20h, Ceske Budejovice, (CZ).
13/06 Jazz/ latin / acoustic Napa gallery,21h Prague (CZ).
06/06 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam, Café Blatouch, 20h, Prague (CZ).
24/05 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam,Korso Krymska fest, Prague (CZ).
03/05 Jazz / latin/ acoustic solo, Castle Sychrov,17h Liberec (CZ) www.zamek-sychrov
01/05 Fusion with percussions, Neustadt kafe, Prague (CZ)
25/04 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam, Café Blatouch, 20h, Prague (CZ).
12/04 Jazz/ latin / acoustic solo + guest Napa gallery,21h Praha (CZ) www.napabar.cz
21/02 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, Café Exil, Praha (CZ) http://www.cafeexil.cz/
31/12 Private concert for "royal wedding company".
14/09 Concert Jam at "le market", Fusion, Praha (CZ)
05/09 Vernissage, for Radu Tesaro, Praha (CZ)
23/08 Private wedding , Villa Richter, Praha (CZ)
17/08 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, "Slechtovka", park Stromovka, Praha (CZ)
09/07 Récital classical guitar, Trinity College, London (UK)
26/05 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, Beer festival, 16h-18h Praha (CZ)
25/05 Jazz / latin / solo acoustic,Beer festival, 16h-18h Praha (CZ)
18/05 Jazz / latin / solo acoustic, Frymburk (cz)
25/04 Poetry and music, Praha (CZ)
16/04 Bohemian Orchestra concert, Pardubice (CZ)
04/12 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, "café Exil" , Praha (CZ) Click here for les détails
06/04 Bohemian orchestra concert, Trebechovicich pod Orebem (cz)
08/03 Charity concert, Prague (CZ ) Click here for les détails
31/12 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, Praha (CZ)
13/12 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, " 500Restaurant " , Praha (CZ)
30/11 Impro with painter acoustic, vernissage , "galerie du Louvre" , Praha CZ)
21/11 Jazz / solo latin / acoustique, "Fiorentinna" , Praha (CZ)
27/10 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo , " Grand-Hôtel Bohême " , Prague (CZ)
10/02 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo , Chateau Dobris, Dobris (cz )
08/09 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique, "Slechtovka" (cz) Click here for détails
29/07 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique, Prague (CZ) Click here for détails
29/06 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique "semaine espagnol", "Fusion" Prague (CZ) Click here for détails
22/06 Jazz / Latin / acoustique vernissage solo " galerie Godving "Prague (CZ)
13/06 Jazz / solo latin / acoustique for Spevacek, "Il Nostro », Prague (CZ)
02/06 Duo with Thoki on percussions, "Music City" Prague (CZ)
23/05 Petry and classical guitar, "Padova" Prague (CZ)
10/04 guitarist guest, "Globe" Prague (CZ)
25/01 Presentation and concert, " Brest skola " (cz)
14/01 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, "SportKm» , Kromeriz (cz)
16/08 Magic guitar, koncert
29/03 Magic guitar, Oksford Klub, Zaječice
20/03 Magic guitar, Koncert, Mestka Knihovna Bohnice Praha
19/03 Magic guitar, Koruna Klub, Horice
08/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Pichla nota, jazz club, Doksy
07/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, U Bílýho černocha jazz club, Ceská Lípa
01/02 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Coffice, Praha
29/12 Duo cello-guitar, Cerveny kostelec
13/12 Magic guitar, koncert, BUDA, Benešov
07/12 Magic guitar, křest knížky ,klub Lávka, Praha
28/11 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Radost Praha
24/10 Magic guitar, koncert, Svet, 18:00 Mlada Boleslav
05/10 Magic guitar, Liběchov Umělecky mlýn, 19:00
23/09 Magic guitar, business event , Praha
14/09 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, 14:30 to 15:15 , Velke Mezirici
02/09 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Hajovna 5 from 17:00 to 19:00, Praha
31/08 Magic guitar, Koncert festival Barevna 9, from 17:15, Praha
31/08 Magic guitar, gulaš fest from 12:00 to 14:00, Pyšely
17/07 Magic guitar, Koncert , Zahrada Husovy Knihovny, Ríčany
15/06 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, Coffice, Praha
13/06 Magic guitar, koncert, Svet, Mlada Boleslav
08/06 Andre trio, gipsy jazz, u kouriciho kralika, Brno
07/06 Andre trio , gipsy jazz, festival Praha zije hudbou, Praha
18/05 Magic guitar, business event , Praha
11/05 Magic guitar, Zamecky areal Ctenice, 11-14
??/04 Magic guitar, Klub Vynil, Litoměřice
20/04 Magic guitar, Koncert, Trees, 18:00, Cerveny kostelec https://www.treesck.cz/cs/koncert-alexandre-glize?listId=1761
19/04 Magic guitar, Koncert, Prostor Lilie Praha 18:30 https://prostorlilie.cz/akce/koncert-alexandre-glize/
30/03 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
13/03 Magic guitar, Koncert, Mestka Knihovna Bohnice Praha 17:30
25/02 Magic guitar, Koncert + Workshop, Tynisti nad Orlici
24/02 Magic guitar, Koncert, Private event, Riesa (DE)
23/02 Magic guitar, Koncert, Oksford, Zajecice
14/02 Magic guitar, Valentýn na vezi Stare radnice, Brno
20/01 Magic guitar, private event Glaubitz (DE)
09/12 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:30
27/11 Magic guitar, Hookah , Usti nad Labem
26/11 Magic guitar, Vanocni , Dominikanske nam, Brno 18:00
28/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
27/10 Magic guitar, Café SYGR, Vyskov 17:00
26/10 Magic guitar, kostel, Frýdek-Místek 19:00
21/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
18/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), Palata Praha 5 15:00
10/10 Magic guitar, koncertni sal ZUS, Bruntál 19:00
07/10 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
??/09 Magic guitar , Mestke divadlo, Kolin, 19:00
30/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
23/09 Spanish guitar, Lysá and Labem, vystaviste 19:15
22/09 Spanish guitar, Lysá and Labem, vystaviste 19:15
16/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
04/09 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), 17:30 , Hajovna , Praha
26/08 Magic guitar, Jihlava
24/08 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz),Coffice Praha 20:00
20/08 Magic guitar, Destne (Orlicke Hory) 14:00
19/08 Andre trio (doprovod gipsy jazz), jazzclub Pichla nota, Doksy
17/08 Magic guitar, cyklosfera, Břeclav
16/08 Magic guitar, Lednice
15/08 Magic guitar, festival Uprostred, Brno
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Decin
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Usti nad Labem
13/08 Duo cello-guitar, Teplice
02/08 Magic guitar, festival Telč 18:00
23/07 Duo cello-guitar, Usti nad Labem - Decin !!! posponed !!!
23/06 Magic guitar, private event, Imperial, Praha
20/06 Magic guitar, Pisecka Brana, "fresh senior", 16:00 Praha
27/05 Wedding
26/05 Duo cello-guitar, Teplice
14/05 Duo cello-guitar, Nespeky 15:00 kostel
10/05 Magic guitar, Živá Křižovka , Děčín 18:00
22/04 Magic guitar , Řehenický dvorek, Řehenice
15/04 Magic guitar, Variace, Olomouc
14/04 Magic guitar, Kupe, Opava 18:00
24/03 Magic guitar, Klub Všechromy, Strančice 19:00
17/02 Magic guitar, Benešov, Buda !! cancelled !!
16/02 Guest at Electro swing all stars, Ples Palác Žofín, Praha
19/11 Praha (CZ)
15/10 Nespeky (CZ)
08/10 Tisa (CZ)
23/09 Magic guitar, Buda sal , Benesov (CZ) !Postponed!
10/09 Festival Barevna Planeta, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
29/08 Kolin (CZ)
06/08 Farmarske trhy Kubanske nam, Praha (CZ)
26/05 Vavavoom, Brno (CZ)
16/05 Prague (CZ)
19/12 Adventni koncert, kostel sv. Bartoloměje, Nespeky (CZ)
18/10 DUO CELLO Koncert, Chomutov (CZ)
11/09 Private Concert Prague
11/09 Barevna Planeta festival, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
05/09 Concert Usti nad Labem maly Hamburk
05/09 Concert Teplice mala Pariz
28/08 Concert Broumov www.zapoklady.cz/program
27/08 Concert Broumov www.zapoklady.cz/program
12/08 Private concert Magic guitar
03/02 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Zlin (CZ)
02/02 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Zlin (CZ)
21/10 Magic guitar + guest art cafe, Broumov (CZ)
17/10 DUO CELLO Koncert, N.M. nad metuji (CZ)
14/10 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
13/10 WORKSHOP classical guitar, ZUS, Uherske Hradiste (CZ)
24/09 Magic guitar , Mestke divadlo, Kolin, 19:00 (CZ) rescheduled
28/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, DC Rogalo, Decin 17:00 (CZ)
28/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, mala Pariz, Teplice 15:00 (CZ)
20/06 Magic guitar , Vysoke nad Jizerou
19/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, kostel Rehlovice , 19:00 (CZ)
12/06 DUO CELLO Koncert, noc kostelu, Semonice-Jaromer , 21:00 (CZ)
30/05 RESTARTING CONCERT! Magic guitar, Pod lampou, Teplice 16:30 (CZ)
../.. Classical guitar-Magic guitar, Galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ) rescheduled
16/04 Magic guitar, galerie "Art together" , Prague 2 (CZ) rescheduled
20/03 DUO LUCIANA, Ceske Budejovice, (CZ) cancelled
06/02 Classical guitar-Magic guitar, Divadlo Jeslicky Josefa Tejkla, Hradec Kralove 18:00 (CZ)
07/12 Duo vanocni akce, Bratislava (SK)
06/12 Duo vanocni akce, Praha (CZ)
01/11 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
09/10 Magic guitar, company event, Broumov (CZ)
04/10 Duo with Luciana, Frida, Divadlo Jary Cimrmana, after the play, Praha (CZ)
21/09 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
09/08 Magic guitar , Central kamp, Praha (CZ)
08/08 Duo with Luciana, The Don, 20:00 Praha (CZ)
17/07 Magic guitar, Kolin (CZ)
04/06 Magic guitar, ZUS Chocen 17:00
31/05 Duo with Luciana, Frida, Divadlo Jary Cimrmana, 20:00 after the play, Praha (CZ)
23/05 Magic guitar, company event, Broumov (CZ)
06/05 Magic guitar at Fresh senior, Vozovna, 16:00 Praha (CZ)
04/05 Duo with Luciana, Bethesda bar, Praha (CZ)
26/04 Classical guitar recital and more, Rehlovice, kostel (CZ)
30/03 Magic guitar,mexican evening, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana, Praha (CZ)
15/02 Duo with Luciana, Bystricka bouda, Moldava (CZ)
08/02 Charity concert multi projects, Bystré (CZ)
02/02 Duo with Luciana, Novy Bor (CZ)
01/02 Magic guitar,mexican evening, Žižkovské divadlo Járy Cimrmana, Praha (CZ)
30/01 Classical guitar worshop and concert, ZUS Uherske hradiste (CZ)
29/01 Classical guitar workshop and concert, ZUS Malenovice, Zlin (CZ)
22/12 Private concert duo with Julia, Cernosice (CZ)
17/12 Guest at PKKO orchestra christmas concert, Praha (CZ)
15/12 Duo with Luciana, Brno (CZ)
02/11 Classical guitar duo, Dobrichovice (CZ) 19:30
21/09 Magic guitar + guest, Central kamp, Praha (CZ)
14/09 Private event, Vysoke nad Jizerou (CZ)
31/08 Magic guitar, La legende irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
29/08 Magic guitar, Café Plum, Lautrec (FR)
27/07 Magic guitar, Le comptoir des colibris, Cologne (FR)
20/07 Magic guitar, La baignoire, Lavalette (FR) www.la-baignoire.fr/
19/07 Acoustic guitar travel, eglise, Capbreton 21:00 (FR)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz, Teplice 18:30 (CZ)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz, Decin 16:00 (CZ)
01/07 Duo with Luciana, festival Mala Pariz. Usti nad Labem 14:00 (CZ)
09/06 Duo with Luciana , Vsudybud festival, Ceska Lipa (CZ)
26/05 Duo with Luciana + Magic guitar, Novy Bor (CZ)
04/05 Busking stage, Tortuga Bay start 16:30, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
28/04 Magic guitar, private event, Prague (CZ)
27/04 Magic guitar, Hnizdo snu, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
26/04 Magic guitar workshops, Moravia, (CZ)
01/04 Magic guitar, Casquette et chapeau, Montlieu (11) (FR)
31/03 Magic guitar, Le petit cafe , Cabannes 20h00 (FR)
24/03 Magic guitar, Cabaret la girafe au saxo, Cahors (FR)
23/02 Duo with Luciana, Il Molino, Prague (CZ) www.facebook.com/events/599057600432716/
21/02 Music city , guitar studio event , Prague (CZ) www.facebook.com/events/169191607200312/
04/01 Magic guitar, private event, Prague (CZ)
16/12 Magic guitar, Skoda energy private event, Mlada Boleslav (CZ)
14/12 Vivaldi concerto RV 93 and more with orchestra Benduv komorni, UJEP, Usti nad labem (CZ)
13/10 Novomestka radnice, Praha (CZ)
06/10 Magic guitar, festival Setkani kytaristu, Ostrava (CZ)
14/09 Magic guitar, festival Setkani kytaristu, Zlin (CZ)
09/09 Magic guitar, Refugio, evrp fest, Tisa (CZ)
12/08 Magic guitar orchestra, galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ) http://www.reistna.cz/
11/08 Magic guitar, cyclosfera, Breclav (CZ)
09/08 Magic guitar, "Art café", Broumov (CZ) http://www.klasterbroumov.cz/cs/alexander-glize-fr
20/07 La légende Irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
12/07 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
05/07 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Maly Hamburg , Usti nad Labem (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Rogalo , Decin (CZ)
29/06 Classical guitar recital, Rehlovice, kostel, 19:00 (CZ)
28/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
21/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
14/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
07/06 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
31/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
28/05 Magic guitar, Mala Pariz, Teplice (CZ)
27/05 Magic guitar, central camp, Zizkov, 19h00, Prague (CZ)
24/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
17/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
10/05 Magic guitar, centrum Babylon, international guests's concert, Liberec (CZ)
29/04 Magic guitar, private event
17/02 Magic guitar, Jazz tangens club, Pardubice (CZ)
27/01 Magic guitar, "concerts at home" , Vysoke nad jizerou (CZ)
09/12 Magic guitar,CK Pluk, Vysoke Myto (CZ)
08/12 Magic guitar, Cafe francais, Prague (CZ)
25/11 Magic guitar, Napa gallery and bar, Prague (CZ)
12/11 Magic guitar, Kavarna ziva, Libochovice (CZ)
10/11 Vernisaz Makrofotografie Milan Blšťák , Prague (CZ)
02/11 Magic guitar,Ledeč nad Sázavou (CZ)
01/11 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
31/10 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
29/10 Magic guitar orchestra, galerie Reistna, Valtice (CZ)
28/10 Magic guitar, Cyklosféra, Breclav (CZ)
23/10 Magic guitar, private event, Mikulov (CZ)
22/10 Magic guitar, private event, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
16/10 Magic guitar orchestra, Le Puits de Jour, Lauzerte (FR)
15/10 Magic guitar orchestra, La legende irlandaise, Jegun (FR)
12/10 Magic guitar orchestra , Vysoké nad Jizerou (CZ)
07/09 Magic guitar, Viadukt Kreativni, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
??/09 Magic guitar, kino Varsava, Liberec (CZ)
28/08 Magic guitar, Korunni Pevnutska, Olomouc (CZ)
20/08 Magic guitar, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ)
13/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
12/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
07/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
06/08 Magic guitar, Malom Udvar, Ber (HUN)
09/07 Magic guitar, Viadukt Kreativni, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
05/07 Magic guitar, Cyklosfera, Breclav (CZ)
04/07 Studio recording Interview/show radio Proglas, Brno (CZ)
02/07 Magic guitar, Jicin (CZ)
01/07 Magic guitar, festival Jazz des Bijoux, Jablonec nad Nisou (CZ)
30/06 Magic guitar, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ)
04/06 Magic guitar, festival Kladenske Dvorky, Kladno (CZ)
02/06 Magic guitar, cafe Start, Prague (CZ) 20:00
01/06 Baroque concert, Vivaldi concerto RV 93 and more with orchestra Benduv komorni , castle Velke Brezno (CZ)
28/05 Magic guitar, Atelier Prazska, Liberec (CZ)
27/05 Magic guitar, cafe terasy, Zeleznice (CZ)
25/05 Magic guitar, Hranicar, Usti nad Labem (CZ)
22/05 Magic guitar, Mala Pariz, Zahradni dum, Teplice (CZ)
21/05 Magic guitar, cafe Oliveira, 19:00 Praha (CZ)
13/05 Magic guitar, "Festival Praha zije hudbu", 13:00 zahradky letenske sady, 16:00 standard cafe
01/05 Magic guitar, cafe Fara, Palava 14:00 (CZ)
30/04 Magic guitar, galerie Konvent, Mikulov (CZ)
29/04 Magic guitar, Cyklosfera, Břeclav (CZ)
28/04 Magic guitar, Junk food cafe, Brno (CZ)
21/04 Guitars at Schools, Teplice (CZ)
09/04 Magic guitar, Artum Centrum, Olomouc (CZ)
08/04 Magic guitar, Cafe club, Uhersky Brod (CZ)
07/04 Magic guitar, Tvuj novy svet kafe, Zlin (CZ)
23/03 Magic guitar, Villa Pelle, 16:00, Prague (CZ)
20/03 Magic guitar, Bedna klub, Liberec (CZ)
18/03 Magic guitar, Hnizdo Snu, Hradec Kralove (CZ)
16/03 Magic guitar, cafe Burguet, Mlada Boleslav, (CZ)
04/03 Magic guitar, Napa bar and gallery, 20:00 Prague (CZ)
18/02 Guitars at school, Teplice (CZ)
11/02 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
10/02 Guitars at school, Prague (CZ)
29/01 Live with Kontra H as percussionist on cajon, Prague (CZ)
27/01 Magic guitar , cafe start, Prague (CZ)
23/01 Magic guitar, Novomestska radnice, Prague (CZ)
22/01 !!!! Krest CD - Launch CD !!! Koncert, hosty + jamm - Concert, guests + jamm at Jamm club, Praha (CZ)
16/01 Classical guitar recital + duo at Alchymista, Prague 20:00 (CZ)
09/01 Magic guitar, A maze in chaiovna, Prague (CZ)
12/12 Magic guitar and wine, T. Klub, Usti nad labem, (CZ)
10/12 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Do Vetru, Prague (CZ)
01/12 Vernissage and magic guitar, Pisecka Brana, www.piseckabrana.cz , 16:00 - 18:00 Prague (CZ)
21/11 Magic guitar for vernissage, Zamek Hluboka nad Vltavou, Alšova Jihočeská Galerie (CZ)
12/11 Concert with Yann Verdickt on percussions,jazz club Highway 61 Ceske Budejovice 21:00 (CZ)
05/11 Private event, ministry of justice, Prague (CZ)
24/10 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Kafi kavarne, Prague (CZ)
23/10 Magic guitar, Napa, Prague (CZ)
16/10 Magic guitar, Jammclub, special spanish night, Prague (CZ)
10/10 Magic guitar, Libochovice, (CZ)
08/10 Magic guitar, A maze in chaiovna, Prague (CZ)
26/09 Live with Kontra H as a percussionist on cajon, Napa, Prague (CZ)
25/09 Magic guitar, Vysoke Myto, (CZ) 20:00
19/09 Jam club, magic guitar, Dresden (DE)
18/09 Hranicar, magic guitar at festival "Leto na ulici" , Usti nad labem (CZ)
18/09 GuitarS at school, (CZ)
17/09 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19:00
12/09 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 3 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
05/09 Classical guitar for private wedding, church Salvatore, Prague (CZ)
03/09 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19;00
19/08 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
06/08 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
01/08 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 2 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
05/07 Live at "la casa latina", Bordeaux (FR)
26/06 Live at Cinoherak-Hranicare , Usti nad Labem (CZ)
18/06 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ) 19:30
12/06 Jazz/ latin / acoustic Napa gallery, Prague (CZ) 20:00
06/06 Live at Chrici, (CZ)
04/06 500 Restaurant live, Prague 'CZ) 19:30
30/05 Fusion with percussions, "La cidrerie", Vsenory (CZ)
29/05 Film festival "futureshorts" , Prague (CZ) from 19:00 alternance with movies
21/05 500 Restaurant live, Prague(CZ) 19:30
16/05 Percussionist with "KONTRA H" , Napa , Prague (CZ)
14/05 Live at "Do Vetru", Prague (CZ)
09/05 Concert at castle Sychrov, Sychrov (CZ) www.zamek-sychrov
06/05 500 Restaurant live, Prague (CZ)
02/05 Summer fest ,outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park vol. 1 , Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) 19:00
27/03 Concert at Napa bar and gallery, Prague (CZ) 20:00
17/03 Supporting Crewtones for their CD, Dr Vojak, Prague (CZ)
05/03 Opening for The Nes Nation, Dr Vojak, Prague (CZ)
27/02 Concert at Napa bar and gallery , Prague (CZ) 19:00
17/10 Concert at Napa bar and Gallery, Prague (CZ) 21h.
20/09 Outdoors concert chill out at Stromovka park, Slechtovka, Prague (CZ) CANCELLED
06/08 Live at 500 restaurant, Prague (CZ)
05/07 Outdoors concert chill out at Stomovka Park, Slechtovka. Prague (CZ).
26/06 Fusion with percussions, Joy cosmopolitan, 20h30 Prague (CZ).
21/06 Fusion with percussions, outdoors town hall square 18h , then inside 20h, Ceske Budejovice, (CZ).
13/06 Jazz/ latin / acoustic Napa gallery,21h Prague (CZ).
06/06 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam, Café Blatouch, 20h, Prague (CZ).
24/05 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam,Korso Krymska fest, Prague (CZ).
03/05 Jazz / latin/ acoustic solo, Castle Sychrov,17h Liberec (CZ) www.zamek-sychrov
01/05 Fusion with percussions, Neustadt kafe, Prague (CZ)
25/04 Jazz / latin /acoustic and jam, Café Blatouch, 20h, Prague (CZ).
12/04 Jazz/ latin / acoustic solo + guest Napa gallery,21h Praha (CZ) www.napabar.cz
21/02 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, Café Exil, Praha (CZ) http://www.cafeexil.cz/
- 2013
31/12 Private concert for "royal wedding company".
14/09 Concert Jam at "le market", Fusion, Praha (CZ)
05/09 Vernissage, for Radu Tesaro, Praha (CZ)
23/08 Private wedding , Villa Richter, Praha (CZ)
17/08 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, "Slechtovka", park Stromovka, Praha (CZ)
09/07 Récital classical guitar, Trinity College, London (UK)
26/05 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, Beer festival, 16h-18h Praha (CZ)
25/05 Jazz / latin / solo acoustic,Beer festival, 16h-18h Praha (CZ)
18/05 Jazz / latin / solo acoustic, Frymburk (cz)
25/04 Poetry and music, Praha (CZ)
16/04 Bohemian Orchestra concert, Pardubice (CZ)
04/12 Jazz / latin / acoustic solo, "café Exil" , Praha (CZ) Click here for les détails
06/04 Bohemian orchestra concert, Trebechovicich pod Orebem (cz)
08/03 Charity concert, Prague (CZ ) Click here for les détails
31/12 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, Praha (CZ)
13/12 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, " 500Restaurant " , Praha (CZ)
30/11 Impro with painter acoustic, vernissage , "galerie du Louvre" , Praha CZ)
21/11 Jazz / solo latin / acoustique, "Fiorentinna" , Praha (CZ)
27/10 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo , " Grand-Hôtel Bohême " , Prague (CZ)
10/02 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo , Chateau Dobris, Dobris (cz )
08/09 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique, "Slechtovka" (cz) Click here for détails
29/07 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique, Prague (CZ) Click here for détails
29/06 Jazz / latin / solo acoustique "semaine espagnol", "Fusion" Prague (CZ) Click here for détails
22/06 Jazz / Latin / acoustique vernissage solo " galerie Godving "Prague (CZ)
13/06 Jazz / solo latin / acoustique for Spevacek, "Il Nostro », Prague (CZ)
02/06 Duo with Thoki on percussions, "Music City" Prague (CZ)
23/05 Petry and classical guitar, "Padova" Prague (CZ)
10/04 guitarist guest, "Globe" Prague (CZ)
25/01 Presentation and concert, " Brest skola " (cz)
14/01 Jazz / latin / acoustique solo, "SportKm» , Kromeriz (cz)